
那么,为什么中国家的家庭 Violence so rampant?

一、China's Family Violence: Why So Prevalent?

The prevalence of family violence in China has a profound impact on the nervous system of society. The country's first documentary film to focus on domestic violence, "China Against Domestic Violence," was even labeled as a horror movie, with its level of terror comparable to some banned horror films.

The film tells the tragic story of Dong Shan Shan, who was brutally murdered by her husband just ten months into their marriage. Her mother had once said that she would be able to defeat any man who tried to bully her, but in reality, she was unable to withstand the abuse and died at the hands of her husband.

It is believed that there are countless women like Dong Shan Shan who have suffered similar fates in China. But why do Chinese women suffer from such widespread domestic violence? Is it because men earn money but don't give it to their wives, making them violent?

In traditional Chinese society, men were considered the head of household and held absolute authority over their wives. This outdated ideology fostered aggressive behavior in many men and destroyed their natural instincts.

The old saying "marry a dog if you want one" or "don't destroy temples for weddings" discouraged battered women from speaking out against their abusers and kept them silent about their suffering.

Domestic violence among Chinese women can also be attributed to centuries-old social norms that viewed women as inferior beings with no self-control over their emotions or actions.

Most male perpetrators possess traits such as short temperaments, lack of integrity and helplessness when faced with challenges. They often use lowly means to vent frustration towards their wives after confirming they are unwise or disobedient.

Marriage should not be seen as an outlet for releasing pent-up anger; rather it should be based on mutual respect and understanding between partners.

Some people believe that home is where love resides; however those who engage in domestic violence only perpetuate this cycle endlessly without end until justice prevails.

For too long have these individuals been bound by outdated values that dictate how they live out life's journey through fear instead courageously facing hardships head-on while avoiding humiliation at all costs.

Violence against spouses must not go unpunished; instead offenders must face consequences equaling zero tolerance for further harm inflicted upon innocent victims.

In female prisons lie tales within walls built upon cycles Of revenge fueled retaliation For crimes committed under guise Of love turned toxic turning deadly In vain attempts To silence voices silenced Long before screams ever echoed Out loud seeking justice never found