


读者倾诉: 我今年23岁了,刚刚毕业参加工作,却因为感情上的事整日苦恼。去年,我爱上了一个比我大15岁的男人,但由于家人的反对最终分手。 最近,我又对一个比自己大13岁的男人产生了好感,但他已经结婚了。

中国性学会会员、国家二级心理咨询师李惠丽: 与年轻小伙子相比,大叔型男人近些年越来越流行。何谓大叔?多是指35岁50岁的中年男子。这个年龄阶段的男性,事业初成,人际关系良好,他们不会像二十几岁的小伙子那么毛躁青涩,他们懂得如何体贴女人。于是,很多年轻女孩会被大叔们沉稳、包容、温柔体贴等性格吸引。在一项网络调查中,六成女性表示对比自己大5岁以上的大叔感兴趣。



他是不是对我只抱着玩玩的心态呢?I should do what?

问:幸知你好!I have a question, I have an affair with someone, he is good to me. We met one month ago and we saw each other twice. He took care of me well when he was here, and I did my best when he came to our city. He hasn't given me anything yet, but he said that he can't make any promises but will do his best for me. When it rained in our city, he bought clothes for us together; in the shop, he always sat down first while I turned around not knowing what to buy; after buying shoes, I didn't know where to find him so I called him; it made him laugh.

But the thing that makes me feel uncomfortable is that every time we go out or buy things together, there are people who look at us and talk about how cute we are as a couple. And sometimes they even ask if we're married or going steady! It really bothers me because it's just an affair between two people who don't want any responsibilities or long-term commitment.

So my question is: Is this guy playing games with me? Should I tell him how much his behavior bothers me?


您好!I am your new student and have some emotional problems that need your advice.

In 2013 at the end of February, on a relatively high-quality social platform,

we had a phone chat first before meeting up in person two months later.

We talked about many things including our past relationships;

he was quite open about his experiences.


he deleted my WeChat account saying "you only appear when you see something."

He also mentioned having had five or six previous relationships.

Later on,

we kept chatting online until one day

when suddenly without warning

he told you directly (without warning)

that you were too serious emotionally

and therefore not suitable for him as a partner

but asked if you wanted to remain friends instead

which surprised you greatly

You accepted the proposal cautiously hoping this might help alleviate some pain from past disappointments;

The next time you met up again (at World Cup)

there were many girls around him including A who seemed very close;

although B became friends with them all,

At last B told her friend Y she would go back alone;

Y felt sorry saying goodbye then disappeared into thin air leaving everyone confused;

B got upset asking why Y disappeared like that without explanation

It turns out A has been trying hard to get closer to Y ever since their initial encounter during World Cup celebrations by posting photos of themselves together on social media platforms such as Instagram which made B uneasy

Now they both seem more distant than ever before despite being once close friends - it appears friendship may be over now due primarily due solely due solely solely solely solellysolelysolelysoleyoleylsleyleyslsleyoyleslsleyselsyelsselslysleyleyleslsleyseslsyeslslseylslsyeyslsyeyslseyeyslseylseylesllezyesyeyesyeyeslseyeyesllseyyeyslseyslelsssysesylsyeyeeseleeeyeessleeeyeesseseeeyeeeeyeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeee